amywoodtv: photo.JPG
amywoodtv: Promo
amywoodtv: Superbowl live stream with Clemson Univeristy Social Media Listening Center
amywoodtv: superbowl 2
amywoodtv: Superbowl live stream with Clemson Univeristy Social Media Listening Center
amywoodtv: Superbowl live stream with Clemson Univeristy Social Media Listening Center
amywoodtv: Graeme Moore joined us via Skype
amywoodtv: Speaking on social media before business leaders
amywoodtv: Good night everyone! Happy weekend!
amywoodtv: Speaking at #TEDx Spartanburg "Social Rebel"
amywoodtv: Coffee Shop webshow
amywoodtv: Interactive
amywoodtv: Taking live questions to candidates for Governor during televised debate
amywoodtv: Corporate salute for industry accolades
amywoodtv: Amy new headshot Josh Norris cropped