Amy Watts: Bill's the instigator
Amy Watts: To those about to drink, we salute you
Amy Watts: Renee lounging
Amy Watts: Bill, Melissa
Amy Watts: Neck hooping
Amy Watts: Hooping at the knees
Amy Watts: Renee
Amy Watts: Yes, Renee, You're Hooping
Amy Watts: Renee looks dubious about hooping
Amy Watts: Lindy
Amy Watts: Lindy leans left
Amy Watts: Lindy hooping
Amy Watts: Sarah and hoop
Amy Watts: Party scene
Amy Watts: Sarah, Lindy hooping
Amy Watts: Lindy, with forcefield
Amy Watts: Elizabeth
Amy Watts: Alyson
Amy Watts: Alyson and a blurry Rob
Amy Watts: Jacob did this to himself
Amy Watts: Lindy, Bruce
Amy Watts: Bill, with Sarah in background
Amy Watts: I really really liked this shrimp
Amy Watts: Lindy
Amy Watts: Elizabeth, Tim
Amy Watts: God love Bill in the kitchen
Amy Watts: This is how tall you look to me
Amy Watts: Melissa