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Amy & Sarah birthday party 2009 by Amy Watts
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Amy Watts
Sarah with dragon and boa
Amy Watts
Putting the candy in
Amy Watts
Otis chases the dragon
Amy Watts
Sarah and the dragon dance
Amy Watts
Raise the green dragon
Amy Watts
Diane's atlas cake
Amy Watts
Sarah and Noah
Amy Watts
Amy Watts
Flags of the world
Amy Watts
World capitals
Amy Watts
The cities are burning
Amy Watts
Librarians three
Amy Watts
Steve being shy
Amy Watts
Party decorations
Amy Watts
Noah presents Sarah with a gift
Amy Watts
It's not every day someone gives you a goddess
Amy Watts
Sarah, with box and idol
Amy Watts
Tea for Sarah
Amy Watts
Getting the spoon ready
Amy Watts
Spoon! On! Nose!
Amy Watts
My present from Sarah
Amy Watts
Dragon's spine
Amy Watts
Melissa takes a crack
Amy Watts
Melissa sends it swinging
Amy Watts
Spinning Noah around
Amy Watts
Not even close, Noah
Amy Watts
Chris takes her swing
Amy Watts
Paula puts some muscle behind it
Amy Watts
Deborah leans away, while I can't look
Amy Watts
Deborah tries to find her mark
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