Amy Watts: Some of us like to put our name tags not on our chest
Amy Watts: DSCF1325
Amy Watts: Megan and Jeff
Amy Watts: Courtesy turn, some done fancy
Amy Watts: Men in the middle for a wavy line
Amy Watts: Smiling, swinging people
Amy Watts: Charlie and ?
Amy Watts: Everybody swing
Amy Watts: Who's reaching for who?
Amy Watts: Courtesy turn gone to pot
Amy Watts: Long lines
Amy Watts: Swing your partner
Amy Watts: Don't jump Devin
Amy Watts: Long lines, forward and back
Amy Watts: Hands four from the top of the set
Amy Watts: Circle
Amy Watts: Swing your partner
Amy Watts: Are your feet supposed to be like that?
Amy Watts: Do-si-do? Maybe?
Amy Watts: Gypsy
Amy Watts: Into the middle
Amy Watts: Allamande right
Amy Watts: Contra dancing