Amy Watts: Bob & Janie
Amy Watts: Bob & Janie
Amy Watts: Waiting to rotate back in
Amy Watts: Teresa, with swirly skirt
Amy Watts: Circle to the left
Amy Watts: And come on back
Amy Watts: Left hand star
Amy Watts: Fancy courtesy turn
Amy Watts: Fancy courtesy turn
Amy Watts: Sarah & ? Swing
Amy Watts: Smiling with Charlie
Amy Watts: Patrick and Clem swing
Amy Watts: John can really give weight to his partner
Amy Watts: John & Teresa swing
Amy Watts: Lee & Jena swinging
Amy Watts: Bringing the lines together
Amy Watts: Patrick and Sarah swing
Amy Watts: Doug shows some flair
Amy Watts: Charlie G. & ? swing
Amy Watts: Our caller
Amy Watts: Janie & Doug
Amy Watts: Patrick and Sarah
Amy Watts: Balance, before you swing
Amy Watts: Gypsy
Amy Watts: John & ? swing
Amy Watts: Swinging
Amy Watts: The band
Amy Watts: Stuart, from above
Amy Watts: Balance