Amy Watts: Peter Vinita
Amy Watts: The dog whisperer
Amy Watts: Gordon and Belle
Amy Watts: Peter
Amy Watts: Gaelyn, Luis
Amy Watts: Something's funny
Amy Watts: Paula and Peter
Amy Watts: We have no idea what you're talking about, Luis
Amy Watts: Jimmy, Erin, Luis
Amy Watts: Buzzer at the ready
Amy Watts: Gaelyn
Amy Watts: Luis, Clem
Amy Watts: Luis invades personal space
Amy Watts: Gaelyn, Jimmy
Amy Watts: Gordon, Paula
Amy Watts: Patrick, Gordon
Amy Watts: No cheating!
Amy Watts: Gordon, Paula
Amy Watts: Yum, yum potato chip
Amy Watts: Vinita and Gaelyn
Amy Watts: She's cute for being so bitey
Amy Watts: Careful, Luis
Amy Watts: Little biter
Amy Watts: Patrick ALWAYS talks with his hands
Amy Watts: Is it my turn yet?
Amy Watts: Clem
Amy Watts: Is it "chicken"?
Amy Watts: Gordon
Amy Watts: Paula
Amy Watts: Gordon