amysterly: Drypoint Print Workshops
amysterly: Prints produced
amysterly: print example
amysterly: Young Carers workshops
amysterly: Print Workshop stall
amysterly: Hot off the press!
amysterly: cork tile print #2
amysterly: The roller!
amysterly: Inking up
amysterly: Steamroller print
amysterly: Inking the plates for the roller print
amysterly: Making Zines
amysterly: Woodcut print workshop
amysterly: Zine making workshop
amysterly: Linocut prints
amysterly: cutting the lino in a workshop
amysterly: Sculpture with recycled materials
amysterly: Underwater scene using recycled materials
amysterly: 3D Wall hanging workshop with Criw Celf
amysterly: 3D wall hanging workshop with Criw Celf
amysterly: Experimental sound workshop
amysterly: Book making workshop
amysterly: Book making workshop
amysterly: Book making workshop