Lightning Bug Creek: Duck Holiday
Lightning Bug Creek: Prairie Dog
Lightning Bug Creek: Prairie Dog on Guard
Lightning Bug Creek: Another guard
Lightning Bug Creek: Chicken Days
Lightning Bug Creek: Checking out the Chickens
Lightning Bug Creek: Counting Chickens
Lightning Bug Creek: Cute Chicken Face
Lightning Bug Creek: Buffalo Herd
Lightning Bug Creek: "I got DIRT on me!!!!!"
Lightning Bug Creek: Prairie Dog Town
Lightning Bug Creek: Cactus Bush
Lightning Bug Creek: Checking out the Tracks!
Lightning Bug Creek: Raccoon Tracks
Lightning Bug Creek: Hiking Boys
Lightning Bug Creek: Hiking boys
Lightning Bug Creek: Checking out the Prairie Dogs
Lightning Bug Creek: Where are we?
Lightning Bug Creek: Boardwalk Boys
Lightning Bug Creek: Looking for alligators
Lightning Bug Creek: Looking for Ducks
Lightning Bug Creek: Daddy and Wyatt
Lightning Bug Creek: Are you coming?
Lightning Bug Creek: Let's go explore!!