Amyogeek: Starbucks coffee of course in our Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: View from our Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: View from our Sheraton Seattle Hotel Room
Amyogeek: Microsoft Surface Table at the Sheraton Seattle Lobby
Amyogeek: The Westlake Center food court
Amyogeek: Waiting for Crepes
Amyogeek: Our ham and egg Crepe
Amyogeek: Riding the Seattle Monorail
Amyogeek: Riding the Seattle Monorail
Amyogeek: Views from the Seattle Monorail
Amyogeek: The Space Needle seen from the Seattle Monorail
Amyogeek: Riding the Seattle Monorail
Amyogeek: The Seattle Space Needle
Amyogeek: Insside the bottom of the Seattle Space Needle
Amyogeek: Insside the bottom of the Seattle Space Needle
Amyogeek: The elevator in the Seattle Space Needle
Amyogeek: Riding up the elevator on the Seattle Space Needle
Amyogeek: Riding up the elevator on the Seattle Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle
Amyogeek: Seattle from the Space Needle