AmyK!: Getting in the plane
AmyK!: Piper Warrior
AmyK!: It's very small!
AmyK!: Cockpit
AmyK!: Mike's getting ready
AmyK!: Us in the plane
AmyK!: Radios & GPSes on
AmyK!: Taking off
AmyK!: Boston in the distance
AmyK!: Plum Island
AmyK!: Plum Island
AmyK!: Hazy horizon
AmyK!: Small islands
AmyK!: Beach in MA somewhere
AmyK!: Coast near Portsmouth NH
AmyK!: Small islands
AmyK!: Small islands
AmyK!: Rugged coastline
AmyK!: coast
AmyK!: Wentworth by the Sea Hotel
AmyK!: Wentworth by the Sea Hotel
AmyK!: Lots of little pools
AmyK!: Beach in MA somewhere
AmyK!: Beach in MA somewhere
AmyK!: Frozen ponds
AmyK!: Frozen ponds
AmyK!: Boston skyline
AmyK!: Big houses WAY too close together
AmyK!: Big houses WAY too close together
AmyK!: Pelican flying overhead