AmyK!: Lucy on the icy snow
AmyK!: Scene of the escape crime
AmyK!: Lucy can now walk over the fence
AmyK!: Lucy eating ice chunks
AmyK!: The icy covering supports Lucy's weight
AmyK!: Icicles
AmyK!: Lucy climbs the icy snowbanks
AmyK!: Lucy climbs the icy snowbanks
AmyK!: Lucy climbs the icy snowbanks
AmyK!: Icy trees
AmyK!: Lucy climbs the icy snowbanks
AmyK!: Lucy climbs the icy snowbanks
AmyK!: Lucy climbs the icy snowbanks
AmyK!: Driveway before clearing
AmyK!: Gate with snow
AmyK!: Backyard snow
AmyK!: My current best friend, Mr. Snowthrower
AmyK!: Gate is covered with snow
AmyK!: Snow by garage
AmyK!: Yard of ice-covered snow
AmyK!: Yard of ice-covered snow
AmyK!: Back driveway
AmyK!: Backyard snow almost over the fence
AmyK!: Backyard snow
AmyK!: Snow piled higher than car on both sides of the driveway
AmyK!: Snow piled higher than car on both sides of the driveway
AmyK!: Snow outside the steps