AmyK!: Sisters
AmyK!: Sisters
AmyK!: Sisters
AmyK!: Sisters
AmyK!: Mike and Lucy
AmyK!: Our picnic
AmyK!: Eating in the cold
AmyK!: Lucy
AmyK!: Lucy wants the ball
AmyK!: Fetch!
AmyK!: Fetch!
AmyK!: Beefaroni on the grill
AmyK!: Beefaroni on the grill
AmyK!: Picnic
AmyK!: Gourmet chef
AmyK!: Picnicing
AmyK!: Picnicing
AmyK!: Megan and Jack
AmyK!: Mommy, I got chips!
AmyK!: Aunt Ellen's shirt
AmyK!: Realizing what her shirt says
AmyK!: Mike
AmyK!: Kelly
AmyK!: Jack
AmyK!: Samantha (with Beefaroni)
AmyK!: Samantha (with Beefaroni)
AmyK!: Jack with Oreo
AmyK!: Family
AmyK!: The grill
AmyK!: Dixie and Ellen