AmyK!: Iced trees on Mass Pike
AmyK!: Iced trees in Mass Pike
AmyK!: Rosalie & Jono
AmyK!: At a Greek restuarant in Astoria
AmyK!: View of Grand Central from our hotel room
AmyK!: View from our hotel room
AmyK!: View from our hotel room
AmyK!: Monica through a dosa
AmyK!: Tom and Mike in the bookstore
AmyK!: Jono & Rosalie in the bookstore
AmyK!: Rosalie
AmyK!: Rosalie
AmyK!: Bookstore cafe
AmyK!: Rosalie telling a story
AmyK!: Monica & Tom in the bookstore
AmyK!: Bookstore window
AmyK!: Snowflake lights
AmyK!: Bleeker Street Subway station
AmyK!: Bleeker Street Subway system
AmyK!: The gang
AmyK!: Waiting for the 4-5-6 train
AmyK!: Still waiting
AmyK!: And waiting
AmyK!: Rosalie, Monica, & Tom waiting
AmyK!: ...subway...
AmyK!: On the train
AmyK!: On the train
AmyK!: On the train
AmyK!: train arriving
AmyK!: Waiting by the tracks