AmyK!: Red goat in Shannon airport
AmyK!: Meaghan in London
AmyK!: Meaghan in Hyde Park
AmyK!: London street
AmyK!: Church in London
AmyK!: Art museum
AmyK!: Fountain
AmyK!: London street corner
AmyK!: Totem in British Museum
AmyK!: Totem in British Museum
AmyK!: Ancient temple in British Museum
AmyK!: Amy and Rosalie with ancient temple
AmyK!: Drinks and dinner
AmyK!: Butler Party in London Transport Museum
AmyK!: Transport Museum
AmyK!: Double decker bus
AmyK!: Robbie plays with electricity
AmyK!: Meaghan, Robbie, Liz
AmyK!: Monica telling a story
AmyK!: Dancing at the London Transport Museum
AmyK!: Robbie lurks behind us
AmyK!: Big Ben at night
AmyK!: British Museum
AmyK!: London street with Rosalie and Meaghan
AmyK!: In the airport going home