amy_kilroy: clinkity
amy_kilroy: stacia.
amy_kilroy: stacia, me, and the long islands
amy_kilroy: steve
amy_kilroy: pol-a-roid
amy_kilroy: bucket of beer
amy_kilroy: the infamous Crunchy's big ass Long Island
amy_kilroy: the Blue Lagoon
amy_kilroy: Stacia and her Blue Lagoon
amy_kilroy: Long Island salute
amy_kilroy: double fisting it
amy_kilroy: silliness
amy_kilroy: er... blowing the salt off a cell phone
amy_kilroy: Lookit my shoe!
amy_kilroy: yay 3 drunks on one side of the booth
amy_kilroy: singing with the karaoke
amy_kilroy: come on dammit!
amy_kilroy: blue tongue
amy_kilroy: Ben must have said something offensive
amy_kilroy: cute. Formula boys at the Riv on a Wednesday night.
amy_kilroy: Joshua tree (plus me and Michelle)
amy_kilroy: Me, Michelle, and a hippo in vegas