#5 Try to capture an unposed picture that contains the elements of a story, a strong sense of geometry and evokes an emotion in the viewer.
#6 Pick one place and don't move from it for one hour making as many beautiful images as you can from that one point of view.
#7 Photograph at least one person who lives on the same street as you (with their permission)
#9 Take a natural scene and distill it down into its fundamental components to make the simplest and strongest statement.
#10 Get wet. Take a photograph in the rain using the elements of the situation to your visual advantage.
#11 Photograph something that you have never shot before, in a style you have never used before, so the photo is not recognisable as yours!
#13 Take a picture at night – however, added flash or long exposures are not allowed – use solely available light, whether artificial or natural.