amy jane: noisy neighbuor
amy jane: pedicure
amy jane: three's a crowd
amy jane: better scurry
amy jane: best gravel patch in the lake
amy jane: pumpkinseed
amy jane: Baby owls
amy jane: made it over the road
amy jane: perfect moments
amy jane: another whopper
amy jane: Modest Sphinx
amy jane: Modest
amy jane: neighbourhood watch
amy jane: peekaboo
amy jane: Grosbeak
amy jane: Merlin Meadow - 26th June 2020. No building!
amy jane: Scarlet Peekaboo
amy jane: False Crocus Geometer Moth
amy jane: crab spider
amy jane: foraging at the water's edge
amy jane: perfect moments
amy jane: Northern Pearly Eye
amy jane: Skipper species
amy jane: White admiral
amy jane: ant invasion
amy jane: Red-berried Elder
amy jane: Gulp
amy jane: Maple Looper Moth
amy jane: mouse from below
amy jane: Toad from above