amy jane: A few choice words from a Baltimore Oriole
amy jane: Annual pilgrimage
amy jane: Apple pie for dinner
amy jane: boardwalk round the orchids
amy jane: Burgundy stars
amy jane: Committed birder
amy jane: feather in her cap
amy jane: Green heron at dinner
amy jane: harebells
amy jane: Icy blue and orange
amy jane: Meadows
amy jane: Orchids in the woods
amy jane: Pitcher plant flower
amy jane: Pitcher plant
amy jane: Purdon
amy jane: Say odd socks
amy jane: Second Monarch of the year
amy jane: Showy Lady Slippers
amy jane: Showy Lady
amy jane: Showy orchids
amy jane: Slender cotton grass
amy jane: Sunbathing at sewage lagoons
amy jane: Thrasher
amy jane: Trefoil
amy jane: Twinflower (honeysuckle family)
amy jane: Viceroy watching
amy jane: Mooooooooose
amy jane: Brown Thrasher
amy jane: Cheeky catbird
amy jane: Clothes shopping