amy jane: always had a thing for gingers
amy jane: Coffee date
amy jane: fuzzy ears
amy jane: Signs of warmth
amy jane: Snuggly squirrel
amy jane: Taking a breather
amy jane: chipmunk chase
amy jane: feasting on fungi
amy jane: mushroom muncher
amy jane: spring snake
amy jane: chips
amy jane: Coyote had a big dinner
amy jane: one stuffed cheek
amy jane: Mer Bleue beaver
amy jane: hunker
amy jane: shrew in the leaves
amy jane: road trip for mousey
amy jane: love
amy jane: first frog of the season
amy jane: scales
amy jane: Slumbering in the leaves
amy jane: rummaging in the leaves
amy jane: nesting
amy jane: squishy three
amy jane: three buddies
amy jane: Raccoon from the kayak
amy jane: crossing paths
amy jane: Cat nap
amy jane: Northern Map Turtles