amy jane: Butter and eggs (Linaria vulgaris)
amy jane: Bittersweet Nightshade
amy jane: pink
amy jane: beauty
amy jane: Sun kissed
amy jane: Sunset on Queen Anne's Lace
amy jane: cardinal flower
amy jane: pollen heavy
amy jane: skunk lilies
amy jane: lilies
amy jane: purple and yellow
amy jane: bright white lovelies
amy jane: Aneneneneome
amy jane: boardwalk round the orchids
amy jane: Burgundy stars
amy jane: harebells
amy jane: Meadows
amy jane: Orchids in the woods
amy jane: Pitcher plant flower
amy jane: Pitcher plant
amy jane: Showy Lady Slippers
amy jane: Showy Lady
amy jane: Showy orchids
amy jane: Slender cotton grass
amy jane: Trefoil
amy jane: Twinflower (honeysuckle family)
amy jane: red delight
amy jane: Spreading Dogbane
amy jane: fields of blue - pickerel weed
amy jane: swamp milkweed