amy jane: Warbling
amy jane: Magnolia
amy jane: common yellowthroat
amy jane: Peekaboo Blackburnian
amy jane: blackpoll warbler
amy jane: ovenbird
amy jane: black and white
amy jane: Bay-breasted
amy jane: Black throated green
amy jane: magnolia
amy jane: pine warbler
amy jane: yellow rumped return
amy jane: yellow rumped
amy jane: Yellow rumped warbler
amy jane: peek a boo
amy jane: gripping
amy jane: yet another northern waterthrush
amy jane: window watcher
amy jane: Northern Waterthrush
amy jane: Black-throated green warbler (f)
amy jane: yellow warbler
amy jane: Sardinian warbler
amy jane: northern water thrush
amy jane: clear off my spot
amy jane: common yellowthroat
amy jane: pine warbler
amy jane: black and white warbler
amy jane: black throated blue
amy jane: singing for supper
amy jane: chestnut sided (blurry)