Amy the Nurse: Suzanne
Amy the Nurse: Cathy
Amy the Nurse: 3 Sisters
Amy the Nurse: Suzanne
Amy the Nurse: Cathy
Amy the Nurse: Cathy
Amy the Nurse: Olmos Park
Amy the Nurse: Suzanne's Birthday
Amy the Nurse: Olmos Park
Amy the Nurse: Olmos Park
Amy the Nurse: Olmos Park
Amy the Nurse: School
Amy the Nurse: Friends
Amy the Nurse: Friends
Amy the Nurse: School
Amy the Nurse: Cathy's birthday
Amy the Nurse: Cathy
Amy the Nurse: Cathy's birthday
Amy the Nurse: Girl Scout Camp
Amy the Nurse: Friends
Amy the Nurse: Suzanne's Birthday
Amy the Nurse: Cathy
Amy the Nurse: Suzanne
Amy the Nurse: Cathy- 1962
Amy the Nurse: Suzanne- 1962
Amy the Nurse: Communion Cards
Amy the Nurse: Communion Cards
Amy the Nurse: Communion Cards
Amy the Nurse: Communion Cards
Amy the Nurse: Communion Cards