LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Watching leaves fall::
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Caramel apple time!
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Happy Bench Monday!
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Pirate Party
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Pirate Party
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Bench Monday #5:: Okaw Valley Apple Orchard
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Apple Orchard
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Apple Orchard
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Taking a break from apple picking
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Apple picking::
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Apples & Ladybugs
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Orange Love::
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Apples, Apples and more apples!
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: Checking out the leaves....
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: and more climbing
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: and Climbing.....
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: At the Pumpkin Patch::
LuckyNumber 13 {Amy}: "The Creation Of A Thousand Forests Is In One Acorn." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson