{Amy_Jane}: One week ago today, I was on the Shinkansen from Osaka to Tokyo taking pictures of Hello Kitty. Now, I'm at home, missing Japan. Sigh...
{Amy_Jane}: We couldn't leave Japan without some purikura action so we made a last minute stop at the arcade in Ueno...
{Amy_Jane}: One last trip to Mister Donut before heading home...
{Amy_Jane}: Alice & the Cheshire Cat in the Tokyo Disneyland "Dream Lights" parade
{Amy_Jane}: The "Happiness on High" fireworks display was a bittersweet end to our adventures in Japan. :(
{Amy_Jane}: Dinner at the Queen of Heart's Banquet Hall in Disneyland!
{Amy_Jane}: We went on Hunny Hunt!
{Amy_Jane}: Gachapon...the little kid in me can barely resist the temptation...
{Amy_Jane}: Super kawaii deco tape makes me happy. Buying it in Japan makes me even happier.
{Amy_Jane}: We went to Nekobukuro today - a train-station-for cats-themed cat cafe inside the Tokyu Hands in Ikebukuro. It was adorable!
{Amy_Jane}: The adorable "maids" in Akihabara are REALLY good at avoiding having their photos taken...
{Amy_Jane}: Unfortunately, we'd already had Mister Donut this morning...
{Amy_Jane}: We're back in Tokyo and loving our swanky new hotel! Ueno has a perfect amount of energy for us - and check out our classy mini-bar-type-thing and our awesome slippers!
{Amy_Jane}: Japanese candy at the "konbini" (convenience store)
{Amy_Jane}: John feeding the deer in Nara
{Amy_Jane}: Just when we thought we couldn't walk another step, we found ourselves in the middle of a fairy tale forest...
{Amy_Jane}: Ooooh...shiny.
{Amy_Jane}: Buddhas at my current favorite temple in Japan
{Amy_Jane}: If you have personal space issues, Japan may not be the place for you. Every time the bus stopped to let 3 people off, the bus driver made sure at least 12 more squeezed in! He thanked and bowed at every one of us as we got off, though. I ❤ Japan
{Amy_Jane}: It's Sakura season at the Philosopher's Path in Kyoto
{Amy_Jane}: A pleasant little surprise in our new hotel room in Osaka!
{Amy_Jane}: "For relaxing times, make it Suntory time." (Or, hydrated times, at least - it's just a bottle of water.)
{Amy_Jane}: Harajuku!
{Amy_Jane}: We went back to the Shinjuku Gyoen this morning - so amazing...
{Amy_Jane}: I am pretty much the happiest, luckiest girl on Earth right now.
{Amy_Jane}: The "Twin Dragons" ceiling mural at the Kennin-ji Zen Buddhist Temple in Kyoto
{Amy_Jane}: Between Sakura-Wonderland at the Shinjuku Gyoen and the seas of teenaged Japanese kids at Harajuku, we visited the Meiji Jingu Shrine. A very well-balanced day in Tokyo.
{Amy_Jane}: Sakura and snow monkeys in Kyoto
{Amy_Jane}: Weeping Sakura at Nijo Castle in Kyoto, Japan
{Amy_Jane}: Premium Economy was totally worth the extra cost.