ADMurr: Funeral home, Key Largo
ADMurr: Dogtown Dogs
ADMurr: Performance Marine (closed), Key Largo
ADMurr: Books books books
ADMurr: Employees Only
ADMurr: Street tree, Westwood
ADMurr: Domestic arrangements of a psychic
ADMurr: Stampede
ADMurr: LAX googie (Theme Building)
ADMurr: Mojave road
ADMurr: Resource
ADMurr: Lavanderia
ADMurr: Smart car
ADMurr: Green door
ADMurr: EL Motel El
ADMurr: Storefront mural: President Obama hawking reptiles
ADMurr: I-80 W
ADMurr: Postcard of an empty lot
ADMurr: Postcard tourist
ADMurr: Golden Hour at the Lounge
ADMurr: Mt. Lee from Mt. Hollywood