AmUnivers: You want my photo ? (grrr)
AmUnivers: Make sure you take my best profile !
AmUnivers: Spying on the peacock
AmUnivers: Flying heron !!
AmUnivers: Dancing on water
AmUnivers: Baby Coot, Crop 1
AmUnivers: Baby Coot, Crop 2
AmUnivers: A bird !
AmUnivers: Curious duck
AmUnivers: Quickly
AmUnivers: Don't think I'll let you get closer to me !
AmUnivers: It all started here ...
AmUnivers: Then, the swan go out of the pond ...
AmUnivers: But then, he walked a bit too fast for my taste
AmUnivers: He was staying near my bike
AmUnivers: Luckily, he got tired of me
AmUnivers: Bird bathing
AmUnivers: The sea gull is bigger than the town !!
AmUnivers: Stealing bread
AmUnivers: Caught a piece of bread and fled !
AmUnivers: Aren't you scared ??
AmUnivers: pt_4645
AmUnivers: pt_3610
AmUnivers: Feeding young swans good old cereals :D
AmUnivers: pt_4856
AmUnivers: dscn4186_mini
AmUnivers: dscn4185_mini
AmUnivers: dscn4182_mini
AmUnivers: dscn3988_mini
AmUnivers: Black Swan in Madrid