Amudha HariHaran:
"Never bend your head.Always hold it high.Look the world straight in the eye"....Helen Keller
Amudha HariHaran:
Be Smart enough to hold on..Be brave enough to let go
Amudha HariHaran:
"Once we accept our limits we go beyond them "....Albert Einstein
Amudha HariHaran:
| Crimpson Drop wing |The Red Beauty | Dragon fly |
Amudha HariHaran:
Eeeda Eeeda Eeeda :))
Amudha HariHaran:
Id Pls :)
Amudha HariHaran:
I hold on to the things I believe :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Jumping Spider (Salticidae )
Amudha HariHaran:
Look deep into nature...You will then understand everything better...
Amudha HariHaran:
Majestic :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Amazed looking at its features
Amudha HariHaran:
The Hero :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Go Green
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
Sometimes the smallest things take the biggest room in your heart :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Hop a little...Jump a little...
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
Red Cotton bug
Amudha HariHaran:
No bees..No money :))
Amudha HariHaran:
Lychee Shield Bug| Chrysocoris stolli | Jewel Bug | Tuticorin | 2014
Amudha HariHaran:
As we ascend the social ladder viciousness wears a thicker mask....Erich Fromm
Amudha HariHaran:
Keep your head up... Keep your heart strong
Amudha HariHaran:
| Ant egg| Tuticorin | 2014
Amudha HariHaran:
Don't carry your mistakes around with you.Instead place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them..
Amudha HariHaran:
Holding on is tough,tougher than letting go or simply quitting..
Amudha HariHaran:
Life is full of tiny miracles
Amudha HariHaran:
Wishing U all a happy weekend
Amudha HariHaran:
make your life more colourful
Amudha HariHaran:
Long Legged fly (Dolichopodidae) | Vellore | 2014
Amudha HariHaran:
Eat to live and not live to eat ...(explored)