Amudha HariHaran:
flower blossom2
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
Flower Blossom 1
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
Colours are the smiles of nature
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
If you can stand straight do not fear a crooked shadow...Chinese Proverb
Amudha HariHaran:
Colours are the smiles of nature...James Henry
Amudha HariHaran:
Yesterday is gone and its tale told.Today new seeds are growing..--Rumi
Amudha HariHaran:
All things bright and beautiful.....All things wise and wonderful...
Amudha HariHaran:
Its your life.....Fill your colours in it..
Amudha HariHaran:
Where flowers bloom so do hope...
Amudha HariHaran:
Beauty lie in the eye of the beholder :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Remembering the golden old days of making the herbarium:)
Amudha HariHaran:
Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless...Happy weekend..
Amudha HariHaran:
Beauty is how you feel inside and it reflects in your eyes
Amudha HariHaran:
Wild and Wonderful
Amudha HariHaran:
Bold and Beautiful
Amudha HariHaran:
A Red,Red rose :)( makes me remember Robert Burns famous title)
Amudha HariHaran:
Amudha HariHaran:
Flowers are the sunshine,food and medicine to the soul :)
Amudha HariHaran:
All the flowers of all the tomorrow are in the seeds of today :)
Amudha HariHaran:
பட்டு வண்ண ரோசாவே ...(Pattu Vanna Rosavey )
Amudha HariHaran:
Wherever life plants you,bloom with grace-French Proverb
Amudha HariHaran:
Pink beauty
Amudha HariHaran:
தேடல் உள்ள உயிர்களுக்கு தினமும் பசி இருக்கும் :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Beauty might bring happiness but happiness always bring beauty :)
Amudha HariHaran:
Happy Ramadan :)
Amudha HariHaran:
A beautiful thing is never perfect..