Aidan McRae Thomson: SS Peter & Paul, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Tower, SS Peter & Paul, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: SS Peter & Paul, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: SS Peter & Paul, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Nave looking West, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Font, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Font, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Mass
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Ordination
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Baptism
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Confirmation
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Confession
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Matrimony
Aidan McRae Thomson: Sacrament of Last Rites
Aidan McRae Thomson: Crucifixion
Aidan McRae Thomson: Font Cover, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Nave Ceiling, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Chancel Ceiling, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Annunciation
Aidan McRae Thomson: Circumcision of Christ
Aidan McRae Thomson: Adoration of the Magi
Aidan McRae Thomson: Entry to Jerusalem
Aidan McRae Thomson: Last Supper
Aidan McRae Thomson: Crucifixion
Aidan McRae Thomson: Resurrection
Aidan McRae Thomson: Piscina, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Piscina, Salle
Aidan McRae Thomson: Chancel Traceries, Salle