Aidan McRae Thomson: Shield-Bearing Angel
Aidan McRae Thomson: Shield-Bearing Angel
Aidan McRae Thomson: Archangel Raphael
Aidan McRae Thomson: Archangel Uriel
Aidan McRae Thomson: Archangel Gabriel
Aidan McRae Thomson: Archangel Michael
Aidan McRae Thomson: The Almighty
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Mary Magdalene
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Margaret
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Catherine
Aidan McRae Thomson: God Enthroned
Aidan McRae Thomson: Shield-Bearing Angel
Aidan McRae Thomson: Angel with Harp
Aidan McRae Thomson: Swan Helm Crest
Aidan McRae Thomson: Angel Shield-Bearer
Aidan McRae Thomson: Mary Queen of Heaven
Aidan McRae Thomson: East Window Carvings
Aidan McRae Thomson: East WIndow Sculptures
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Margaret
Aidan McRae Thomson: St Mary Magdalene
Aidan McRae Thomson: East Window Carvings