amsun: Looking east from Blue Mounds State Park
amsun: Looking east from Blue Mounds State Park
amsun: Foliage on the side of Blue Mound
amsun: Sarah on top of the East Tower
amsun: Hilly terrain from East Tower
amsun: Cloud shadows on the trees
amsun: Looking north from the East Tower
amsun: Kids trying to figure out landmarks
amsun: Emily trying to find a landmark
amsun: Farmland from East Tower
amsun: Emily on the East Tower
amsun: View of East Tower
amsun: Trees on the way up the West Tower
amsun: West Tower. More farmland over here.
amsun: Barneveld just 3 miles west of the Tower
amsun: Looking west from Blue Mounds State Park
amsun: Looking south from the West Tower
amsun: The family on the West Tower
amsun: Plants at the bottom of the West Tower
amsun: Picnic shelter that was leaning
amsun: On the way to Dubuque
amsun: They had to cut through many hills
amsun: Countryside Hwy 151 southwest of Dodgeville
amsun: Queen Anne's Lace in Driftless Area
amsun: Big hill on Hwy 151
amsun: Big hill on Hwy 151
amsun: View of cliffs on side of road - Hwy 151
amsun: Dubuque-Wisconsin bridge
amsun: Mississippi River
amsun: Mississippi River