amsun: Crowded Sheboygan County Fair!
amsun: Crowded horse barn
amsun: Candy
amsun: Ultralight flying over the Sheboygan County Fair
amsun: Emily's horseless horse walk-trot class
amsun: Emily on horseback
amsun: Emily facing the sun
amsun: Emily riding in the golden hour
amsun: Emily's walk-trot class
amsun: Ferris wheel
amsun: Ferris wheel, up close
amsun: Stall decorations at the Sheboygan County Fair
amsun: Pigs asleep at the fair
amsun: Emily's foliage hat, at the fair
amsun: IMG_3758
amsun: Saucy socks
amsun: Wicked sweater won a blue ribbon
amsun: Emily's blue ribbon projects