A.M. Squid:
They even had a dude playing music from a gourd!
A.M. Squid:
The Sweet Spot with some Claussen Kid
A.M. Squid:
A.M. Squid:
More Ceremonialist
A.M. Squid:
Walking to the ceremony
A.M. Squid:
Vows were spoken
A.M. Squid:
Hayley's love for Dan burns from her head.
A.M. Squid:
Luckily, note cards were allowed
A.M. Squid:
Hands were held, circles were made...a viral-like joy spread from person to person.
A.M. Squid:
A.M. Squid:
Death Grips
A.M. Squid:
A.M. Squid:
Kimitra Leaving Us Speechless
A.M. Squid:
Kara in awe of her sister.
A.M. Squid:
Rachel, Greg, and some dude.
A.M. Squid:
2 seconds before we all blew up from too much happiness