amri: After the show...
amri: Shourin elated by the NYTimes review
amri: scintillating coversations ;)
amri: the best photo of Sharad ever!
amri: samosa swallowing
amri: Rajiv disappears in a blaze of light
amri: Single Malt lectures at Zipper Bar
amri: Zulu makes an appearance...
amri: dazed and confused..
amri: Abita is the bestest beer in the world!
amri: Shourin disapproves of Sandeep's liquor choice
amri: Look mommy - I can fly!
amri: Ta-da!
amri: Alter Ego's muse
amri: jaded
amri: keen director and smart set designer
amri: warm ups
amri: scary stage manager :P
amri: the chief guest of the closing night party
amri: The clean shaven Sajadi....