amri: Sunrise over Aswan
amri: Our EgyptAir flight to Abu Simbel
amri: we walk...oblivious to the sight ahead
amri: The Great temple of Ramesses II
amri: statues carved into the rock
amri: Can you see how big they were?
amri: baboons adorn the shrine
amri: Ramesses praying to the sun God - Ra
amri: wearing the twin crown of Upper and Lower Egypt
amri: right before I started crying tears of joy
amri: earthquake destruction
amri: taller than the collossi of Memnon
amri: peek-a-boo :)
amri: bound captives under Ramesses' feet
amri: The Temple of Nefertari and Hathor
amri: the beautiful Nefertari
amri: Nubian gems