ampontour: 100°C
ampontour: Geothermal Iceland
ampontour: Strokkur
ampontour: Strokkur
ampontour: Strokkur Erupts
ampontour: Blue Lagoon
ampontour: Blue Lagoon
ampontour: Blue Lagoon
ampontour: Blue Lagoon
ampontour: Blue Lagoon
ampontour: Washing Guide
ampontour: Icelandic Horses
ampontour: Icelandic Horses
ampontour: Claudel vs. Horse
ampontour: Claudel vs. Ram
ampontour: Gullfoss
ampontour: Watch Your Step
ampontour: Gullfoss
ampontour: Gullfoss
ampontour: Shadows and Mountains
ampontour: Þingvellir National Park
ampontour: The Edge of a Continent
ampontour: Sirkus
ampontour: A Night at the Sirkus
ampontour: The stumble home from Sirkus
ampontour: The London Police
ampontour: Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur
ampontour: Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur
ampontour: The Coolest Bar in Town?
ampontour: Umm.. no.