Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Banded demoiselle - Gebänderte Prachtlibelle (Calopteryx splendens) ♂
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Stream of light - Gebänderte Prachtlibelle (Calopteryx splendens) ♀
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Hauhechel-Bläuling (Polyommatus icarus)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Nights around Beceite
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
little valley near lake Embalse de Pena
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Embalse de Pena
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Gemeine Becherjungfer (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Towards the valley of Beceite
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Mont Blanc (4810m)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Bläulinge (Lycaenidae)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Blauschwarze Eisvogel (Limenitis reducta)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Towards Beceite 2
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
everybody wants some
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Orange Federlibelle - Platycnemis acutipennis
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Stories of erosion
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Nights around Beceite 3
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Valderrobres (Teruel)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Nights around Beceite 2
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Gebänderte Prachtlibelle (Calopteryx splendens ♀)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
between and above
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Kleiner Feuerfalter (Lycaena phlaeas)
Henro Boke[H] - Photography:
Yūrei 幽霊