agent_mikejohnson: Houlgate garden
agent_mikejohnson: Moli crossing sand at Houlgate
agent_mikejohnson: Glowering skies do not stop the cockle-picking at Houlgate
agent_mikejohnson: Cockle-pickers at Houlgate
agent_mikejohnson: French Pattisserie
agent_mikejohnson: Le Grande Bunker
agent_mikejohnson: Bo gets baggettes
agent_mikejohnson: Messy breakfast
agent_mikejohnson: another attempted stowaway
agent_mikejohnson: Plan of the invasion
agent_mikejohnson: Reflecting at the museum
agent_mikejohnson: At the spot where Lt Brotheridge fell
agent_mikejohnson: Horsair Glider at Pegasus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: Memorial to those who died at Pegsus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: English Cemetery Ranville
agent_mikejohnson: Reading the blurb at Point-Le-Hoc
agent_mikejohnson: Taking in the scene of a gun battery
agent_mikejohnson: Looking around overlooking Omaha Beach
agent_mikejohnson: Bunker under the top of Point-Le-Hoc
agent_mikejohnson: That is a stong bunker!
agent_mikejohnson: Pads Codebreaking on Ferry
agent_mikejohnson: Plastic Cereal of choice at Etap
agent_mikejohnson: .44 gun at Pegasus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: Pegasus Bridge Monument
agent_mikejohnson: Pads and mum at the monuments near Pegasus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: The 'new' Pegasus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: Tank at Pegasus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: Amongst the books at Pegasus Bridge
agent_mikejohnson: Nuttela and baggette
agent_mikejohnson: Enormaball