AMNewman: Sydney
AMNewman: Sydney
AMNewman: Sydney harbour
AMNewman: Sydney Opera House
AMNewman: Sydney Opera House
AMNewman: Tribulation Bay near Cairns
AMNewman: Sydney Opera House
AMNewman: Great Barrier Reef
AMNewman: Crocodile, Queensland
AMNewman: Queensland
AMNewman: Queensland
AMNewman: Kings Canyon, Northern Territory
AMNewman: Road in Northern Territory
AMNewman: Ayres Rock in the rain
AMNewman: Coconut
AMNewman: Mount Conner, Australia
AMNewman: On the road to Ayre's Rock, Australia
AMNewman: Sydney, Australia
AMNewman: Sydney, Australia
AMNewman: Rowers on Sydney harbour, Australia
AMNewman: Matt abseiling in Blue Mountains
AMNewman: Matt abseiling in Blue Mountains
AMNewman: John and Matt in Blue Mountains