anniemack: Profile
anniemack: Phil Lynott 'n' Ammon
stevensiegel260: Man walking on subway car wall 2
anniemack: Otter watching
anniemack: Pt. Lobos
anniemack: Pt. Lobos
anniemack: Big Sur
anniemack: Travelin'
anniemack: Big Sur
anniemack: To sea
anniemack: Ammon & Maeve
lizaboo: dolly
lizaboo: dolly
lizaboo: dolly & the putti
The Library of Congress: Geronimo -- detail showing photographer reflected in his eye (LOC)
anniemack: Sunny spot
anniemack: Um, what?
anniemack: Scarthin Books
jason b. jones: el chupacabra's
Inderific: Run out of titles.
Inderific: Saying hi to the dog.
Inderific: Joe's cracking himself up back there, Maeve.
Inderific: Sort of smiling ...
Inderific: You know Maeve, you could try the SLIDE.
Inderific: Maeve, looking smug.
Inderific: Joe and dogs.
Sean Clute: 09ThanksgivingJasonTaco
The Library of Congress: [Edwin Chamberlain of Company G, 11th New Hampshire Infantry Regiment in sergeant's uniform with guitar] (LOC)
anniemack: mom & MRT
Inderific: Maeve, Joe, Steve, Ammon.