amkay: Beijing 080808
amkay: beijing's horizon
amkay: emperor's room
amkay: fish for food
amkay: beijing food
amkay: wrapped peking duck
amkay: delicate work
amkay: slices of peking duck's skin
amkay: chinese arches
amkay: temple of heaven
amkay: majestic temple of heaven
amkay: temple of heaven
amkay: tummy show-off !!
amkay: temple of heaven before the fortified high walls
amkay: look at the crowd
amkay: my little fairy
amkay: opera singer selling food
amkay: Mao time pieces
amkay: communist red book
amkay: morning call from Chairman Mao ??
amkay: iraq most wanted, dead not alive
amkay: saddam playing cards
amkay: Beijing's flea market
amkay: starfish barbeque
amkay: seahorse barbeque
amkay: grasshopper barbeque
amkay: yummy yummy ?
amkay: smells good but taste good ?
amkay: barbeque sea horse, anyone ??
amkay: food stalls in beijing