amkay: 50 year old cash register, 1950s !!
amkay: happy with no stress, even when
amkay: priceless barber's chair
amkay: rojak with ais kacang (abc)
amkay: abc machine, changing with the times.....
amkay: the eye
amkay: cannon
amkay: Baba House 1
amkay: chinese deities on roof tops
amkay: kaki lima food paradise
amkay: old melaka facade
amkay: old chinese lantern
amkay: hotel puri
amkay: Baba House 2
amkay: danger under the shadow
amkay: passing shadow
amkay: danger tombstone
amkay: weather vane
amkay: understand portugese?
amkay: dutch tombstone
amkay: A Formosa
amkay: color the town red
amkay: souvenir stall
amkay: nyonya food outlet