Amit Mishra.: Emblem - Corbett National Park
Amit Mishra.: Flameback
Amit Mishra.: Chital or Spotted Deer (Axis axis)
Amit Mishra.: Chital or Spotted Deer (axis axis)
Amit Mishra.: River Lapwing
Amit Mishra.: River Lapwing Chick
Amit Mishra.: Brown Wood Owl
Amit Mishra.: Creasted Serpent Eagle
Amit Mishra.: Sambar
Amit Mishra.: Sambar
Amit Mishra.: Great Hornbill
Amit Mishra.: Elephant Herd
Amit Mishra.: Elephant
Amit Mishra.: Monitor Lizard
Amit Mishra.: Elephant
Amit Mishra.: Mom gets angry
Amit Mishra.: Elephant Herd
Amit Mishra.: Elephant Herd
Amit Mishra.: Mother and Calf
Amit Mishra.: Monitor Lizard
Amit Mishra.: Monitor Lizard
Amit Mishra.: Monitor Lizard
Amit Mishra.: Sambar
Amit Mishra.: Dogfight between a Creasted Serpent Eagle and a River Lapwing
Amit Mishra.: Indian Peafowl
Amit Mishra.: Spotted Deer or Chital
Amit Mishra.: Indian Pitta
Amit Mishra.: Barking Deer - In Action
Amit Mishra.: Little Ringed Plover
Amit Mishra.: Zitting Cisticola