amitai sandy: Pea Soup - illustration for a short story by Yoram Kanyuk
amitai sandy: Neputism
amitai sandy: Illustration for Haaretz Books supplement
amitai sandy: Illustration: independent vs. salary men
amitai sandy: Illustration: Resto-Bar
amitai sandy: Magazine Illustration: Stock Exchange feeding frenzy
amitai sandy: G Magazine illustration: weddings funny stories
amitai sandy: G Magazine illustration: weddings funny stories
amitai sandy: G Magazine illustration: weddings funny stories
amitai sandy: G Magazine illustration: weddings funny stories
amitai sandy: Illustration for TheMarker weekend magazine: Cops in Class
amitai sandy: Editorial illustration for Yedioth's 24Hours supplement: Conspiracies
amitai sandy: Markerweek illustration: Cover ups part 3
amitai sandy: Markerweek illustration: Cover ups part 2
amitai sandy: Markerweek illustration: Cover ups part 1
amitai sandy: Illustration for TheMarker magazine: high risk investments
amitai sandy: Illustration for The Marker magazine: web2.0 marketing
amitai sandy: G magazine illustration: new speak in Israel
amitai sandy: G magazine illustration: new speak in Israel
amitai sandy: TheMarker talkbacks project - Big brother is watching you 2
amitai sandy: Illustration for Yedioth finance section: rejected version
amitai sandy: Illustration for Yedioth finance section: accepted version
amitai sandy: Short story illustration for Koteret magazine
amitai sandy: Agag the cat story illustration
amitai sandy: Computer Shark
amitai sandy: Yaron's wedding invitation
amitai sandy: 7Days: Praying Online
amitai sandy: Achbar cover: basketball
amitai sandy: Yedioth Health section: Allergies illustration
amitai sandy: Yedioth Health section: Smell illustration