amit.rawal: Flowers are love's truest language. - Park Benjamin
amit.rawal: Colors make life more interesting!!!
amit.rawal: Eye of flower
amit.rawal: Reflection on drops
amit.rawal: Holding on!!!
amit.rawal: Refreshing!!!
amit.rawal: Different Perspective of flower - from top
amit.rawal: Holding a drop
amit.rawal: Some kind of fly!!!
amit.rawal: Chinese hibiscus
amit.rawal: Chinese hibiscus
amit.rawal: Curves in nature
amit.rawal: Refreshing again!!!
amit.rawal: hanging on
amit.rawal: Damsel fly
amit.rawal: Bugzilla
amit.rawal: Mating Damselflies
amit.rawal: Pollinator
amit.rawal: Refreshing!!!
amit.rawal: Spider in the garden
amit.rawal: Another pollinator?
amit.rawal: Common grass yellow (Hebbal lake)
amit.rawal: Metallic Golden Long Legged fly
amit.rawal: Spider web
amit.rawal: Ant and Aphids