labnol: a - First Screen - What's New
labnol: b - Installer - Web Applications
labnol: c - Installer - Web Platform - Blogs - Wordpress
labnol: d - Installer - Wordpress
labnol: e - Installer - Review products before installing - Wordpress screen
labnol: f - Installer - Review products before installing - Add password for MySQL
labnol: g - Installing
labnol: h - Installer - Enter Website Information
labnol: i - Installer - Enter Application-Database Information
labnol: j - Installer - Finish instilation of your web applications
labnol: k - Instalation finished
labnol: l - Wordpress - first screen
labnol: m - Wordpress - installed - username and password
labnol: n - Wordpress - login screen
labnol: o - Wordpress - dashboard at first login - need to set password
labnol: p - Wordpress site running
labnol: wordpress on windows