amirmobile: window seat
amirmobile: waiting for food
amirmobile: dutch kids
amirmobile: iran stairs
amirmobile: DSC_0235s
amirmobile: DSC_0241
amirmobile: busy sidewalk
amirmobile: the bazaar 1
amirmobile: the bazaar 2
amirmobile: the bazaar 3
amirmobile: ripoff
amirmobile: over the balcony
amirmobile: over the balcony 2
amirmobile: bikes
amirmobile: printers
amirmobile: overload
amirmobile: bad iranian rice
amirmobile: iran stars 2
amirmobile: bikes 2
amirmobile: saltman
amirmobile: saltman teeth
amirmobile: 1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, dead fish
amirmobile: oldskool livin
amirmobile: iran ceiling 1
amirmobile: wind catcher
amirmobile: bath house roof
amirmobile: mini basement
amirmobile: basic
amirmobile: cooler
amirmobile: random driver