p'titeamie: how to make plastic colored
p'titeamie: finding beauty amidst the chaos
p'titeamie: thunderstorm
p'titeamie: lantern fail
p'titeamie: lantern send off
p'titeamie: Downward dog kiddo edition
p'titeamie: no blueprints
p'titeamie: most bizarre eating experience ever
p'titeamie: tippy top
p'titeamie: sibling ❤
p'titeamie: "no shoes on the couch" quickly became safari swimming in my sandals
p'titeamie: safari's saltwaters gobbled by my big person sandals
p'titeamie: Part of the La Boulange conglomerate (also offers free delivery!)
p'titeamie: tangxia exploration
p'titeamie: Mao =
p'titeamie: hospitality at its finest☕
p'titeamie: unofficial cotton color fastness test
p'titeamie: #_anywhere china pack flair (Xiao Mao)
p'titeamie: Safari day three//tres//san// (she's on the road to being tri-lingual)
p'titeamie: morning meeting
p'titeamie: the many morning faces of Safari @scottied
p'titeamie: my girls Sophia & Joy = mandarin teachers, colleagues, translators, cultural tutors, & friends
p'titeamie: holler! It's hot as f*ck!
p'titeamie: the best part about landing at HKG. @sentfromspace knows what's up
p'titeamie: Adios kids
p'titeamie: hometown hero @matthewkadi
p'titeamie: Famski
p'titeamie: Gutierrez in full effect
p'titeamie: so mad chill we lost all the glasses at tiki disco @serendipity1111 @barbershopbanter