www.amfraser.com: My @maisonneuvemag cover feat. @picnicface from #Halifax nestled in w/ the #magazines of @chaptersindigo in #Ottawa
www.amfraser.com: #wharf #fishing w/ @BenWelland & @DarcyFraser. Part of @novascotialife when you @VisitNovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: #SeaBass supper in @hfxnovascotia from @TheFishShop at @HalifaxMarket on @MyWaterfront Another reason to @VisitNovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: #Halifax #fogcity
www.amfraser.com: @petreener Planting two raised #garden beds in my backyard. You'll have to @VisitNovaScotia for the fall @TasteofNS harvest!
www.amfraser.com: First #fishing trip of the 2011 season w/my bro @darcyfraser. A great reason to @VisitNovaScotia!
www.amfraser.com: Friday afternoon @HFXCurlingClub w/@TwitCoast feat. @kyles @PDuffysGhost @Oreskovich @doctor_doom @MeganFildes & @darcyfraser
www.amfraser.com: #Halifax premiere of @jasoneisener's 'Hobo With a Shotgun' at the Oxford Theatre @EmpireTheatres tonight!
www.amfraser.com: Sweet #keyboard #encore by Mr. @danielledwell of @InFlight_Safety
www.amfraser.com: The Coast-cover-inside-Girl Hosers-Jade-Erin-Dayle-Heather-Nicole-Agricola St-photo by Aaron McKenzie Fraser-amfraser.com
www.amfraser.com: The Coast-Matthew Morgan+JJ Steeves-Well Being Guide-The Halifax Oval-cover-photo by Aaron McKenzie Fraser-amfraser.com-
www.amfraser.com: Raised bed vegetable gardens - North End Halifax, NS
www.amfraser.com: "Play Our Balls" #cosmicbingo #hotball at the @HalifaxForum #Halifax @NovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: Gorgeous day for a #hike around Crystal Crescent Beach @NovaScotia @VisitNovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: #plaid jacket & #beard @NorthEndHFX tks to @PaminHFX for the trim.
www.amfraser.com: pill in the snow #ontheground
www.amfraser.com: Popsicle in the snow #ontheground
www.amfraser.com: Uh, I don't know if that is a good idea. #Pubnico #NovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: #beaverdam @Shelburne_Co @NovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: #Whiligig & #Weathervane festival = September travel plans to @Shelburne_Co @NovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: white #tiger #tailgate #halifax
www.amfraser.com: Great #EasternShore #shoot w/ #artist Barry Colpitts for an upcoming self assigned story on #NovaScotia #FolkArt for @GuerillaMag out soon.
www.amfraser.com: three #televisions in a shopping cart in @NorthEndHFX #Halifax @NovaScotia
www.amfraser.com: #Ron de #Cuba in a "snack size" @tetrapak
www.amfraser.com: #Salsa sun 1950's cars & #mojitos = an amazing week in #Havana #Cuba
www.amfraser.com: Peel Police Power at #Pearson - #Toronto @TorontoPearson @T3Motion @PealPoliceMedia
www.amfraser.com: almost home.
www.amfraser.com: Special @OldManLuedecke #houseshow in @NorthEndHFX thanks to @novascotiamusic & @simpsonscott
www.amfraser.com: Gorgeous night to #FlyPorter @porterairlines #YTZ #Toronto to #YHZ #Halifax
www.amfraser.com: #toronto #mom