Alan Myers: Konica III with Hexanon 48mm f2 lens
Alan Myers: A pair of Konica III with lens hoods and Konica light meter.
Alan Myers: Top view of a Konica III with Konihood and Konica Meter LV
Alan Myers: Front view of Konica III with Konihood and Light meter LV
Alan Myers: Konica IIIA with it's big, wonderful viewfinder
Alan Myers: Another view of Konica IIIA, with Light Meter LV
Alan Myers: Top view of Konica IIIA with Konica Meter LV
Alan Myers: Konica IIIM with built-in meter sensor in use position
Alan Myers: Konica IIIM with half frame mask
Alan Myers: Konica IIIM, the silver object on the RH front, beside the lens, is the meter readout.
Alan Myers: Konica IIIM, the lever on the LH front uses one stroke for half frame and two strokes for full frame advance.
Alan Myers: Konica IIIM, top view showing hot shoe
Alan Myers: LV (EV) scale on bottom of IIIM lens
Alan Myers: IIIM Self-timer
Alan Myers: Cleaning up a IIIM between uses